Trace of memory
26/11/2021 - 28/11/2021
UNTITLED space, 
Kyojima, 3 Chome−13−7, Sumida City, 131-0046 Tokyo
Open: 12.00 -  7.00 pm
ONA project room presents lili’s exhibition "Trace of memory" from November 26th (fri) to November 28th (sun), 2021. We look forward to welcoming you for this new, exciting event.
About “Trace of memory”
Fascinated by a world of light and shadows, I have gathered a corpus of my works focusing on this particular subject. Each work, having a different creative background, is in itself a piece of my memory. Together they represent a “Trace of memory”. - lili

ONA project room (オナ·プロジェクト·ルーム) はこの度、2021年11月26日(金)- 28日(日)にliliによる展示「Trace of memory」を開催します。皆様をお迎えできることを楽しみにしています。
Trace of memory について
光と影でできた世界に魅了されて制作してきたこれまでの作品を一度一つの箱の中にまとめてみようと思います。それらが生み出された背景は違うものだけれど、どれもが私の記憶の中から生まれた私のカケラであり、記憶の跡を残しています。ー lili





About the artist:
lili started her activities in 2018.
In her work, she studies the changes in space and the expression of shadows through natural and artificial light, expressing emotional space mainly using kiri-e (Japanese cutting paper).
Recently, she has developed her research, using various materials, creating three-dimensional objects and searching for new perspectives in which the aspect of things can be experienced differently through the crossing of materials. 
Exhibition view:
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