Yulia Skogoreva
30/09/2022 - 02/10/2022
3-13-7 Kyojima, Sumida City, Tokyo. 131-0046
Open: 12.00 - 19.00 pm
Omokage in Japanese means an appearance reminding of someone or something. This is also the title of the photographic research inspired the relationship between Katsushika Oi and her father, that artist Yulia Skogoreva is going to show at UNTITLED space in September, as a part of 汽水域 /kisuiiki series.
This exhibition portrays the stories of five female creatives working in Japan, examining ideas of identity and the different elements within us. Through the series of interviews and meetings, the stories will be illustrated through photographic research in which artist will investigate the influence of father-daughter relationships on the protagonists's artistic growth and path.
Exhibition photos
Photo credit: Maciej Komorowski
About the artist:
Yulia Skogoreva is a Tokyo based fine art documentary photographer. She majored in Japanese studies at Moscow State University, where she worked as an interpreter for butoh dancers. This experience pushed her to start using photography as a way to portrait dancers, and asks questions about contemporary Japanese society.
Yulia have won national and international photography awards, and her works was exhibited during many exhibitions and festivals in Japan, as well internationally.
Workshop with the Artist!
During this intensive photography workshop, participants will get an opportunity to sharpen their eye and draw the outlines of a personal photographic language. At the workshop, Yulia will introduce one of her favorite photographic tools - an instant camera and share her insights about visual communication. Participants will be able to learn new approaches to instant photography and exercise the new skills with the recent model of Instax camera kindly provided by Fujifilm for the event.
Date: 1 OCT 2022 (sat)
Time: 9.00 - 13.00
- Participants should prepare: a portfolio (5-10 images they took in the past (prints /PDF-file / folder with selected JPEGs)), notes
Cameras for the workshop are provided by Instax FUJIFILM
Cameras for the workshop are provided by Instax FUJIFILM
- workshop capacity - 7 people (the workshop is open for absolute beginners as well as people with photographic experience)
- registration required
- fee - 1000円 (paid at the venue)
- 参加者に用意していただくもの:
- 参加者に用意していただくもの:
- 定員: 7名- 要予約
- 参加費: 1000円(当日会場にてお支払いください)
主催:ONA project room、「隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢」実行委員会
協賛:協賛:株式会社東京鋲兼、 東武鉄道株式会社
※ 「隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢」実行委員会 事務局は(公財)墨田区文化振興財団が担っています。
※ 「隅田川 森羅万象 墨に夢」実行委員会 事務局は(公財)墨田区文化振興財団が担っています。